The better way to improve the ranking of a website is by adding quality content to the site. The subject selected to write in the site or blog must be demanded one for the internet surfers. There are several factors to tell about the thing make improvements in the site ranking. First of all the content typed in the site must be your own. That means completely avoid to copy content from other websites and blogs. If you use any copied content of other sites, it will affect the ranking of your site. There are several type of site ranking are there. Generally google page ranking and alexa ranking are popular and common. The alexa page ranking is a ranking system provided by a site In this method the the page ranking determined by the number of visits done by a computer in which alexa tool bar is installed. That means when ever your site is opened in a alexa tool bar installed computer, the data base counter of site will count thevisit to your site and a better rank for your site will be given. So for getting better alexa ranking your site or must get more visits. The google ranking is the another site ranking system. By improving google ranking your site will get more visits through google search engines. There are some technical methods to improve google ranking. You can first sign up for google webmaster tools and add site map which allows your site in the google index. Meanwhile to get listed in the data base of google search engine you have to submit the site or blog to google addurl.