While you studies or works in full time you can made additional income by doing part time work at home with your computer and internet. If you have some writing skills about intersting matters of net surfers, you can contribute your writings to the persons seaches for infrormations from websites.
To share your content or your writings in internet you dont need to have website. You can create blogs. for many sites like www.blogger.com give free oportunity to start or register blogs through you can write your opinions suggestions advises to the net surfers.
Create blog firest with original content and obtimise with options available with google. Attract more and more visitors to your blog site with good content writing and intersting matters through which you can get thousands and lakhs of visitors. If you gets more than 1000 visits per day, you can use the blog for advertising purpose. There are lot of ad providers are available in the internet. You can register with them submitting your blog.