Adolescence is the period between childhood and adulthood.
Adolescence is a period of growth and development from the onset of puberty to maturity.
Adolescence is a period of physical, physiological and emotional changes extends from the age of 10-19 years
Adolescence is a period of rapid development, when young people acquire new capacities and are faced with new challenges

Adolescence begins with the onset of a period of rapid physical and especially sexual development called puberty and ends when an adolescent reaches reproductive maturity.


World Health Organization defines adolescence as the progression from appearance of secondary sex characteristics (puberty) to sexual and reproductive maturity, development of adult mental process and adult identity, and transition from total socio-economic dependence to relative independence.

More than 22% of India’s population is in the adolescent age group of 10-19 years;12% are in the 10-14 year age group and 10% in the 15-19 year age group
Adolescents: 10-19 years
Youth: 15-24
Young People: 10-24

Growth Phases
Early Adolescence: 10-13 years
Mid Adolescence: 14-16 years
Late Adolescence: 17-19 years

Physical :

Hormonal changes that result in sudden increase in the activity of certain glands
Changes are correlated with sexual development- development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Psychological changes :
Assert their identity and display a tendency to be independent like an adult rather than remaining dependent on parents like a child.
Start distancing themselves from their parents and depending on the peer groups.
Feel intense sex-drive and attraction towards the opposite sex.
With these characteristics the stage of adolescence occupies a distinct place in the life-span of human life.

Adolescents Concerns

Growing up concerns
Developing an identity
Managing emotions
Body image concerns
Building relationships
Resisting peer pressure

Problems of Adolescence

Adolescence is a critical period during which significant personality reorganization occurs.
The sudden and rapid pace with which the changes take place in the body and mind generate number of problems.
They observe and experience the changes occurring, they are unable to understand these development

Problems of Adolescence

No authentic source available through which they can get scientific knowledge.
They fall back upon the peer group itself is ill-informed or cheap literature, which provide wrong information.
Being misinformed they fall prey to myths and misconceptions which adversely affect the process of personality development

Problems of Adolescence

Unable to manage the sudden development of their interest in opposite sex
Absence of well informed adult intervention to help them understand and appreciate the problems and issues , they turn to peer group.
Vulnerable to peer group pressure and pushed into action without giving any thought to its consequences.-experimenting smoking, alcohol or drugs and also with sex

How do Adult Perceive Adolescence?
Not appreciate the changes and developments
Instead of giving help and guidance, they are misunderstood and considered as problems.
All adolescent generations have been denied their right to get scientific knowledge about the changes and development taking place in them.
They have been experiencing physical, emotional and social changes but they are not equipped to understand and appreciate those appropriately and adequately.

How do Adult Perceive Adolescence?
Adolescents of today are growing up in a world that is fundamentally different from the one that existed when their parents were young.
Society is also becoming more urban and industrialized and is in a constant state of transformation.
There is a tremendous impact of media particularly electronic media.
Need for Adolescence Education
Adolescents desire and seek authentic knowledge on sexual development that they experience.
No authentic source available
Create anxiety and confusion and generates myths and misconceptions that are carried over to their adulthood, adversely affecting their attitude and behaviour through out their lives.

Need for Adolescence Education
A longer interval between sexual maturity and marriage.
Increased the possibility of their being engaged in premarital sexual relationships.
Growing incidence of sex crimes
Sexual abuse and exploitation of young girls and boys.

Need for Adolescence Education
The impact of traditional value system has been waning because of social development and changing lifestyles.
Adolescents are exposed to sex-related issues.
Adolescents constitutes largest group among the victims of HIV Infection.
Increasing incidents of smoking, alcohol, dangerous drugs

Objectives of AEP
To enhance essential life skills for coping and managing concerns of adolescents

To provide accurate and authentic knowledge about :
Process of growing up

Substance abuse

To inculcate healthy attitude towards ARSH issues

To promote respect for opposite sex and responsible sexual behaviour.

Life Skills
Process of growing up
Health and Hygiene
Food and Nutrition

Life Skills

Definition by WHO:
Life skill are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of every day life.

Life Skills

Self awareness: Recognition of self of our character, strength and weakness, desires and dislikes.
Critical thinking: Ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner.
Problem solving: Enables us to deal constructively with problems in our life

Life Skills

Creative thinking:

Exploring the available alternatives and various consequences of our actions or non-actions.
Look beyond our direct experiences
Respond adaptively and with flexibility to the
Help us to deal constructively with decisions about our lives.

Other Life Skills

Inter personal relationships
Effective communications
Dealing with emotions
Coping with stress

Process of Growing Up

Physical growth and development
Psychological development
Problems faced by Adolescence and their Solutions
Social and Psychological problems during adolescence and solutions
Reproductive health


Food and nutrition
Reproductive system and reproduction

Reproductive tract infections
Sexually transmitted infections
HIV (Human Immuno Virus)
AIDS (Acquired Deficiency Syndrome)


HIV / AIDS: Cause and consequences.
Preventive measures.
Individual and social responsibilities towards people living with HIV /AIDS.

Substances Abuse

Situation in which adolescents are driven to substance abuse.
Consequences of substance abuse
Preventive measures
Individual and social responsibilities


Objectives of Counselling
Basic assumptions of Counselling
Basic skills in Counselling
Stages of Counselling
Difficult situations in Counselling the adolescents


Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) was launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in collaboration with National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) Government of India in 2005


Already implemented programmes:
National Population Education Programme (NPEP) having Adolescence Education as one main thrust area.
School AIDS Education Programme (SAEP) by NACO since 1993-94 through State AIDS Control Societies
Project on Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) by MHRD


Target Group
The mandate of the AEP is to cover all secondary and senior secondary schools.
It covers selected nodal teachers and peer educators of all secondary and senior secondary schools.
Advocacy programmes for PTAs, educational administrators, media, religious / community leaders.


Implementation-School level
Advocacy programme for PTAs
School level committee
Classroom sessions conducted by trained nodal teachers using a minimum of 16 hours per academic year for classes IX and XII

12th Feb, 2007 some news were appeared in Mathruboomi News paper and also in some private TV Channels about AEP programme reporting that SCERT is conducting sex education in schools It is against Kerala culture, tradition, and morality which will promote the unhealthy sex awareness and mislead students

To prepare young people for life and work in a rapid changing world. To impart and enhance range of life skills in adolescence. Enable them to manifest their inner potential with confidence and competence and face the challenges of life.